Brixton Garden Pavilion

A light-filled open-plan extension nestled into the slope of the garden, a viewing gallery for the ancient mulberry tree and luscious greenery laid out beyond the sliding windows

This modest Victorian stuccoed house was elegant in appearance from the street but suffered the familiar defects of houses of this era with a ragged rear elevation containing utility spaces, and an outhouse, with barely any physical or visual connection to the large sloping rear garden.

By means of persistent and carefully-pitched planning application, substantial structural alterations to the existing small rear offshoot and the erection of a new rear addition extending into a side alleyway, a 35 square metre space combining living, dining and kitchen was created, adding 30% to the total floor area and reorienting the whole house to the private rear garden.

Large sliding hardwood windows and doors open to the rear and side, making the garden an integral element of the home, highly visible all year round, illuminate at night and an extension of the living space in the warmer months.

Joinery and kitchen surfaces combine to create an abstract geometry, top lit from roof windows. Interior spaces are defined by plywood panelling concealing appliances, storage space and pelmet lighting.



South Kensington Villa


Dulwich Tennis Clubhouse